How to prep: I laminate my adapted books, cut the pages, and use a hole punch at the top left to add a binder ring. You could also use a coil binding machine to laminate up the left side like a book, but a binder ring is a less expensive option (and I love how you can hang them up with the ring!). Use velcro to attach the pieces to the book.
Each book has a matching component. Student matches the picture card to the picture on the page. Not only is this a matching skill, but it works on fine motor, word matching, keeps the student on task, and is actively checking for understanding and comprehension throughout the activity.
Each book in this set has a sight word focus. This word is used many times throughout the book and is great reading practice. You class can focus on this word each week and practice the word using the book.
The counting book included is great to pair with a hands on task. Collect acorns or use other small manipulative and have the students match the real object to each picture on the page!
Download November Adapted Books here!
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