News — TravelingTips
Always Fly with a Tennis Ball in Your Carry-On
brightside lifehacks TravelingTips

Whether you’re getting around by car, train, or plane, traveling can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, even if you love it. Your flight can get delayed by a lot. Sitting in close quarters for a long flight can slow blood circulation and cause the muscles to cramp. Your ears can pop during take-off and landing. So pay attention to some tips that will make your next trip a breeze! For example, make sure you have an empty water bottle in your carry-on. That way, you can get past security with no problem and then just fill the bottle up at the...
Always Fly with a Tennis Ball in Your Carry-On
brightside lifehacks TravelingTips

Whether you’re getting around by car, train, or plane, traveling can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, even if you love it. Your flight can get delayed by a lot. Sitting in close quarters for a long flight can slow blood circulation and cause the muscles to cramp. Your ears can pop during take-off and landing. So pay attention to some tips that will make your next trip a breeze! For example, make sure you have an empty water bottle in your carry-on. That way, you can get past security with no problem and then just fill the bottle up at the...