News — bujo
I just love the idea of savings bullet journal spreads…but I’m not very artistic
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I’m digging these bullet journal money saving ideas + templates – ANYONE can do them! Soooo…you’ve got a savings goal (or you would like to finally make one), and you want to track it using savings bullet journal spreads? Whether you're looking for inspiration savings bullet journal ideas (or printables because, let's face it, some of us aren't great at drawing!), you're in the right place. But first, a confession: I don’t draw very well. That does NOT mean I’m not creative – I love artistic and creative things. But as far as what I’m able to produce? It’s more...
I just love the idea of savings bullet journal spreads…but I’m not very artistic
1 2 3 4 bujo bujosavings bujosavingstracker bujotracker bujoweekly bujoweeklyspread bulletjournal bulletjournalcommunity bulletjournaling bulletjournallove bulletjournalnewbie bulletjournalsavingstracker bulletjournaltracker goals motivation organizedchaos plannergirl plannernerd planwithme planwithsteff SavingChallenges savingmoney savingmoneyforahouse savingstracker

I’m digging these bullet journal money saving ideas + templates – ANYONE can do them! Soooo…you’ve got a savings goal (or you would like to finally make one), and you want to track it using savings bullet journal spreads? Whether you're looking for inspiration savings bullet journal ideas (or printables because, let's face it, some of us aren't great at drawing!), you're in the right place. But first, a confession: I don’t draw very well. That does NOT mean I’m not creative – I love artistic and creative things. But as far as what I’m able to produce? It’s more...