Soooo…you’ve got a savings goal (or you would like to finally make one), and you want to track it using savings bullet journal spreads?
Whether you're looking for inspiration savings bullet journal ideas (or printables because, let's face it, some of us aren't great at drawing!), you're in the right place.
But first, a confession: I don’t draw very well.
That does NOT mean I’m not creative – I love artistic and creative things. But as far as what I’m able to produce? It’s more on the analytical-creative side of things.
Still, I love the idea of savings trackers. And not just any savings trackers – colorful, beautiful, bujo savings trackers (bujo = bullet journal, just so we’re on the same page here).
The kind that will motivate you + your family to get to your savings goals. The kind you can show off on your refrigerator, in your command center, or anywhere else in your home.
Let’s face it – geometrical can be gorgeous!
That’s why I just LOVE the idea of bullet journaling. The pages all come with grid lines, so it’s more like plugging in boxes, making straight lines, drawing points and circles to connect things – wayyyy more up my alley.
With the right set of markers (and a bullet journal with pages that don’t bleed through – that’s key), you can really create some savings tracker masterpieces without being an artist.
Let me get you inspired to set and track your own savings goals using these creative (but easy-to-do) savings bullet journal ideas.
Psst: don’t want to splurge on a bullet journal, just yet? Here’s a free printable grid paper. You can literally print it out, put it in a binder, and give bullet journaling a try before investing in any supplies.
Savings Bullet Journal Ideas I’m Lovin’
When it comes to tracking savings in your bullet journal, there are many different options. You can use meters (horizontal tracking), or graphs (line graphs, columns, etc.). You can use fillable images, or fillable squares to build something physically with the amount you’re saving.
Below, I share my favorite savings bullet journal spreads and ideas – ones that inspire me the most to get out there, set a savings goal, and get to workin’ it!
Idea #1: Follow the Yellow (or Magenta) Brick Road
This is a very simple bullet journal savings tracker that anyone can create because it's completely made of squares!
You'll want to create the outline of a gameboard in your bullet journal page. Figure out your savings goal, and how much it's going to cost. Then, divide that number into a set of squares, like 30 or so. How much is each square going to be “worth” in terms of how much money you put in your savings before you get to color one in?
Also, create mini-milestones like this woman has — special squares that tell you when you've reached $500, $2,000, $5,000, etc.
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When I think about how much money I’ve been able to save in 2018 so far, it’s crazy that I’ve been able to save this much! I was able to color in a couple of extra thousand today because I filed my taxes and realized i didn’t have to pay as much that I had saved for taxes specifically. So I was able to transfer money out of my taxes only account to my savings account. and then tax return money will be coming soon so you can bet I’ll save most of that as well! Now at the same time, I know I’m lucky enough to live at home for the time being and not have to pay rent, but at the same time I think to myself that 7k is nowhere near enough to buy a house. It’s a lot when you think of just 7k, but so little when you think of it in terms of buying a house and so the struggle continues… . . . . . . . #bujo #bujoweeklyspread #bujoweekly #bujosavingstracker #bujosavings #bujotracker #bulletjournal #bulletjournalcommunity #bulletjournaling #bulletjournallove #bulletjournalsavingstracker #bulletjournaltracker #bulletjournalnewbie #savingmoney #savingmoneyforahouse
A post shared by Karolina (@karolinaskrafts) on Mar 25, 2018 at 5:17pm PDT
Idea #2: Build a Savings Brick Wall
Instead of beating your head against a brick wall about your money…why not BUILD a brick wall by putting money towards your savings goal?
I just love this idea, not only for its simplicity (anyone can draw little rectangles, right?), but also because it literally fills like you’re building something tangible each time you put money into a savings account. How’s that for some instant gratification?
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Really rough but cute idea for saving for a house. I'll color the bricks and shingles as I put money away. I'll have to redraw as I move into new books. This will not be colored complete any time soon… unless my husband and I fall into a load of cash.
A post shared by @ plannerize on Jun 29, 2017 at 9:55am PDT
Idea #3: Create a Save-Opoly Game Page
You can create squares, right? I am in love with this Save-Opoly game, and even though it may appear to be intimidating, you really only need to be able to create squares and use different colored markers to fill it in.
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Another grid page I REALLY enjoy in my new 2018 planner! #organizedchaos #planwithsteff #planwithme #plannernerd #plannergirl #savingstracker
A post shared by PlanWithSteff (@planwithsteff) on Oct 27, 2017 at 8:25pm PDT
In fact — if you really want to do this but aren't feeling creative enough to pull it off (I hear ya!), why not just use stickers to decorate the squares (here are some mini-Monopoly stickers that should fit the bill).
Or, you can download this free Monopoly printable for your bullet journal, and take things from there!
BOOM! Done.
Idea #4: Track Using Simple Columns
I love how you can easily track multiple savings goals using, again, colored markers and rectangles!
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Playing around with a new Savings Tracker in my #BulletJournal. The idea of shading in all those squares is such a #motivation to save! What are some of your long term savings #goals?
A post shared by Kara Boho Berry (@boho.berry) on Sep 2, 2015 at 7:21am PDT
Killer Bujo Savings Tracker Ideas + Tips
This section is all about some killer Bujo savings tracker ideas I'd like to share with you — because I'm all about taking your savings up to the next level. And when you track your savings? Well, writing down a goal makes you 42% more likely to achieve it.
Just sayin'.
Idea #1: Use a Different Color for “Bonus” Savings (Interest)
First of all – we all know that if you keep money in a savings account, or other savings vehicle, it will earn interest. Which then compounds, as the interest your money earned last money gets added to the original amount you put in (your principle), and it, too, earns interest.
To really get you excited, I would encourage you to fill in any of the savings trackers you choose with one color for the money that you put into savings from your own paychecks, and then use a different color (a really, really fun one – like magenta!) to add in the interest you’ve earned at the end of each month on your money.
So, the $162 you put into your savings account this month? That can get tracked with a green marker. Then, add on the $3.75 in interest your entire account made for that month with a magenta-colored marker at the end, to bring the visual to the total amount.
Fun to see that ticker move, but to ALSO see those “bonus” amounts you didn’t have to put in of your own money in order to get closer to your savings goal!
Idea #2: Use a Habits Tracker
Instead of tracking your savings, you could also use a habit tracker to track specific savings habits that you want to work on.
For example, you could:
Track each time you do a bill audit. This means making a phone call on a bill that has slowly crept higher and higher, and gotten a reduction (for things like cable and auto insurance) for the next 6-12 months moving forward. It's a great way to open up more cash to put towards savings! Track the amount you save from coupons (both digital, and print ones) for each grocery shopping trip. Think about how fun it will be to add it all up over the course of six months or a year! Track the number of times that you take money out of savings to juggle and makes things work (hint: the fewer times, the better!).
You get the idea.
Bullet Journal Savings Template (Just Print, Cut, and Glue!)
Don’t tell anyone…but between you and me? There’s a cheat way to bullet journal. And it’s pretty awesome – you simply print out bullet journal savings templates, or really any other kind of bullet journal templates you want.
Then, you cut it out, staple, glue, or tape it to your bullet journal page, and you get on your merry way using it!
Trust me – you can use this cheat and still call yourself a bullet journaler. I won’t tell!
Free Bullet Journal Savings Tracker Printables
Things to remember about printing out free bullet journal savings trackers – you need to think about the size of your bullet journal. It’s possible you’ll just use a binder or a regular-sized notebook for these. But if you’re using them for an actual bullet journal? Well, the regular paper size is 8.5” X 11” and the average bullet journal size is 8.5” X 5.5”.
See the big difference there?
That’s why you’ll need to print these out, but then cut them into smaller components to then tape/glue/staple into your bullet journal.
My favorite free bullet journal savings templates you can print out:
Free Mason Jar Savings Printable
Here's another, very simple, mason jar savings printable.
Bullet Journal Supplies – What to Look for + Recommendations
Were you inspired from above, and you're now looking for some bullet journal supplies?
There are a couple of things to look out for when comparison shopping your bullet journal supplies.
You want to:
Make sure the paper is acid-free paper. Make sure the journal opens 180 degrees, for easy use (you'll be in those pages, a lot!). Make sure the paper is thick enough that your pens/markers won't bleed through to the other side Make sure your pens/markers are fast-drying so that there aren't accidental smudges.
Taking all of that into consideration, here are my top picks for basic bullet journal supplies:
Leuchtturm1917 Medium A5 Dotted Hardcover Notebook
36 Fine-Tip Staedtler Colored Pens
The post 10 Savings Bullet Journal Ideas (that Anyone Can Recreate) appeared first on Frugal Confessions - How to Save Money.