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I had to take a couple days off of posting, but luckily, it has only been a couple of days, and not months or years. (Uff da!) Some of our curriculum arrived last week – well, most of it, aside from a few backordered items – and I spent two full days sorting and organizing. I was going to describe it all, but I think I’ll save that for another post with pictures of our shelving, our rolling cart, etc. But basically, it was one of those, it gets worse before it gets better, kind of deals, with me having...
Building Your Coaching Community with Nicole S
InstructionalCoaching LiteracyCoaching TheCoachingPodcast

Turner, Ep. 70 Buzzing with Ms. B: The Coaching Podcast Do you ever feel lonely doing your job as an instructional coach? It’s common, especially if you’re the only coach in the building. On this episode of the Coaching Podcast, Nicole S. Turner of Simply Coaching and Teaching joins me to discuss building a coaching community. She’s an author, TpT seller, instructional coach, and my partner in the Coffee and Coaching Membership. Nicole and I chat all about the benefits of a coaching community and how to find the right one for you. We also discuss how not having a clearly...
Looking for the best Staples school supply deals and back to school sales? You've come to the right place! Save money on crayons, notebooks, folders, binders, and more! Best Staples School Supplies Deals This Week Check out the following back to...
2 BackToSchool HotDeals PPPHotDeals Staples StaplesDeals

Looking for the best Staples school supply deals and back to school sales? You've come to the right place! Save money on crayons, notebooks, folders, binders, and more! Best Staples School Supplies Deals This Week Check out the following back to school deals you can score at Staples! Even better, many of these deals are available online and they are offering up FREE shipping – no minimum! Also – make sure you're getting the best deals by comparing weekly sales using our Back to School Price Checker HERE! TEACHERS! Looking for details on Staples Classroom Rewards? Scroll down below for...
Drowning in a sea of LEGO manuals? I used to be too! Thankfully, I created this easy hack that will help you organize all of your LEGO manuals once and for all
Kids KidsOrganization Organization Printables Uncategorized

You’ll save space and keep your manuals safe too. If your family is full of LEGO builders, then check out these fun and helpful ideas. This LEGO organizing solution will help your family keep their bricks separated and organized for faster building. Then, store the cute Minifigures in the DIY LEGO jar so you can find them when you need them. Whether you are on the “paper” part of your KonMari decluttering spree or you are looking for a way to preserve your LEGO manuals so they are easy to find, I have just the hack for you! Yes, you...
This free teacher planner is *jam packed* with helpful planning pages, sanity saving organization sheets and inspiring covers you’ll use all year long.
FreePrintables MostPopularPosts Pre Summer

Snag your set and then hop over and request your invite to our VIP teachers’ club, The Plato Pack, so you can get 24/7 access to THOUSANDS of playful, ready-to-use centers, teaching tools and trainings that will help you have LESS stress and MORE progress this year. Teacher Planner Covers Inside the colorful lesson plan book, you’ll find eleven bright and bold covers. Pick a favorite, click the grey text box to type in your name, and print it out. Easy peasy. Organization Pages The teacher planner also includes tons of sheets to keep you super organized from day one. And...